Born out of a few conversations waiting at the school gates between televison’s, BAFTA award winning, icon Mick Robertson and local dentist Jon Boden the dream of creating a cricket team that was a mix of washed up talent and social drinkers  – the Alts was created. From those early chaotic days, scrambling to get eleven players to turn up on the right day and wearing a semblance of correct cricket attire, the Alts have gone from strength to strength. New players have come in, the fixture list gets bigger each year, and for the first time we now – thanks to our new sponsors, Best of Brighton –  we even look the part, striking fear into the oppo before we even start playing!! However the team spirit and ethos remain the  same 

 Mick Robertson

A brief pictorial Alts history, featuring some of our greatest moments and some not so great….